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Monthly Maintenance Plans

Save money with a maintenance plan!
Call today for a quote that will keep your car, truck, or SUV in top shape.

Monthly vehicle maintenance is essential in keeping your vehicle clean and in good condition. Our team of certified detailers can help you maintain higher value for your vehicle while also helping you get the most from it when it comes time to sell. Professional maintenance comes with many benefits, such as extending the life of your vehicle, protecting its paint job, and keeping its interior in pristine condition. Let us help you keep your vehicle looking its best.


At our auto detailing shop, we provide the highest quality services to keep your vehicle looking its best. We use a two bucket wash method with grit guards to prevent wash induced micro scratches, a pressure washer ideally set up for washing vehicles, and a gentle foam cannon to loosen up any debris. Additionally, the interior gets vacuumed to maintain a fresh interior look as well as multipurpose cleaning/dusting. Our team of detailers are dedicated to making sure your vehicle looks great and lasts a lifetime.

*Premium maintenance plan includes an initial wax for your vehicle and a maintenance wax that is re-applied when necessary to allow your paint to perform at maximum capacity.

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